
Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Shall we date?: Scarlet Fate : Gentoka


Height: 5'10"
Weight: 143.3 lb
Favorite Food: Cake wrapped in bamboo leaves, jerky
Hobby: Basking in the sun

A god who is said to possess the power to make others immortal. Chased deep into the snowy mountains by those who covet his power, it is there he encounters Princess Tamayori. After she saves his life, he pledges his allegiance to her.


Maybe…as some sort of atonement
Find Gentoka
Go talk to Gentoka
Go find the ancient texts
Go toward the riverbed
Help Gentoka        (for all CGs for this chapter bookmark at this answer and answer both “Help Kuso” and  “Help Akifusa” before continuing)
It’s my… fate
Go look for Gentoka
Go fight with Gentoka
Take Kodonomae’s side
That’s going to be really hard
Thank you
Talk with Gentoka
Go with Gentoka
Go with Gentoka
Please leave me alone for awhile
Talk about my mother
What crimes are you talking about?
Talk with Gentoka
Thank you…
We’ll fight together
You’re not a monster
I can’t
I’m fighting to live

CGs to come


  1. As you're reading the story at the bottom of the screen there is a bookmark icon (it's secobd from the left) :)
